Fortune City 도움말 센터
초보자를 위한 튜토리얼
Why should I read this?
Lesson 1: Expense Tracker Tips
Lesson 2: Buildings
Lesson 3: Gold Coins and Diamonds
Lesson 4: Analytics
Lesson 5: Citizens
Lesson 6: Missions
Lesson 7: Credit Card Expenses
Lesson 8: Inauguration Test!
What kind of buildings will my categories create?
What benefits can i get by subscribing to the CFO subscription?
How can I use the Categories to see how much money I still have to spend?
How can I add or delete spending reports?
Why should I review my transactions? What can the various kinds of expense categories do? How do I distinguish between my “wants” and “needs” in the app?
How can I change a transaction category?
How should I add new weekly, yearly, and monthly budgets?
How can I add or delete expenses to track on my watchlist?
What’s the star icon on top of the City Council member’s head on the Analysis page? How can I get the special items for each of the City Council members?
How to fix garbled data in my exported CSV file?
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구독 서비스를 어떻게 해지하나요?
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Will my new theme ever expire?
My friends' cities look so cool! I want to buy the themes they're using, too!
Civic Square
What's the Civic Square?
How can I get a Civic Square in my city?
What are the events at the Civic Square?
How can I organize an event?
How can I view my events?
How can I search for events?
What's the popularity level at the Civic Square?
How can I gain popularity?
How can I see my popularity level?
The Fundraiser program
What are the citizen fundraisers?
Where can I find the current fundraiser? Why can't I see the fundraiser's progress?
I've already completed a fundraiser. Where's the citizen?
How can I get funds for the fundraiser?
Why can't I see any new citizens in the VIP Citizens section?
Diamond Ads, AD Man & Daily Rewards
What's the number above Ad Man's head?
What's the notice at the bottom of the Daily Login reward?
I purchased the Ad Eraser or Chief Financial Officer but the ads still exist
볼 수 있는 광고가 없어요.
Prosperity, City Hall & Happiness
How can I increase "happiness"?
What is the heart symbol above a citizen's head?
문제 해결
My app on iPhone with iOS 18 or later is missing Chinese characters.
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