
Insights from the SPARKFUL teams

Apply Playable Design to Work: How Does Fourdesire Beat Burnout at Work? (Part II)

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In Apply Playable Design to Work: How Does Fourdesire Beat Burnout at Work? (PartI), we introduce the approaches of staying passionate about work by giving employees more ownership over work. In this article, we will share how to create a safe and joyful environment through creating bonds and self-improvement.

Second tip, Create stronger bonds between coworkers

People who have followed Fourdesire’s Instagram must know how intensively our coworkers engage with each other. The key is mutual trust and courageous communication. Johari window, a concept used in psychology, claims that effective interpersonal communication begins with self-disclosure and soliciting feedback from others. See how we put this concept into practice.

1. Uncover each other’s potential through cross-sector activities

We always look forward to Innovation Day, but to be honest, we also worry about getting exhausted through the intensive brainstorming. (lol) On this day, all staff from different departments are divided into groups where we spur creativity within teams, give full play to their skills, and uncover each other’s hidden potential and strength. 

The Innovation Day

The Innovation Day

During the activity, some people show their talent in board games, some take on a different personality when playing, and some are good at organizing reading lists using apps. We get to know each other on a deeper level in a natural environment. After the event, a feedback from the coworkers is touching:

“Showing our true colors in a comfortable state makes me feel part of the team.”

2. Act alone or with coworkers during company-subsidized travel

Fourdesirers like challenges even when we go on a company trip, putting the operation team under great pressure. The itinerary must place equal focus on social and personal time as well as relaxation and activity. 

Some legs of the trip require engagement and acting as a group, but there are also times when people can part ways with the group temporarily for personal activities.

The Fun Day at Fourdesire

The Fun Day at Fourdesire

Third tip, Advocate Self-improvement

When it comes to self-improvement, Fourdesire believes there are more choices than just building expertise, learning foreign languages, and developing a second skill. Therefore, Fourdesire provides a variety of self-improvement opportunities. 

1. A variety of annual benefits to help employees maintain a good quality of life

“Besides work, we also want you to enjoy life.” This is why Fourdesire provides annual benefits to support the coworkers’ life. 

Only when employees have a healthy body and mind can they create products that make the world a better place. Apart from common benefits such as subsidies for marriage, childbirth, travel, and language learning, Fourdesire also includes exercise and consultation into the subsidy scheme to encourage employees to exercise and seek for professional help when they are mentally drained.

2. Proactive sharing to drive self-development

The secret to continuous improvement of the team is to encourage everyone to share their knowledge and skills. At Friday Sharing held every month, speakers from inside and outside Fourdesire give speeches to help employees understand other sectors’ expertise and thoughts, which will translate into powerful backing for the coworkers.

Speech about the history of games at Friday Sharing

Speech about the history of games at Friday Sharing

We believe the team must constantly make improvements so they can drive company growth! Besides self-development opportunities offered by the company, there are many book clubs formed by the coworkers spontaneously.   Transforming proactive sharing into a driving force for growth is the best result ever.

Psychologist Erich Fromm considers creativeness as one of the most basic human needs. We believe being creative is an excellent way to live in harmony with anxiety and confusion.

The opposite of fun is boredom, not work. Make learning exciting and fun, so you’re able to handle life's challenges resiliently and continuously!


  1. 世界衛生組織正式將職業倦怠列為疾病- 國際
  2. To Reduce Burnout on Your Team, Give People a Sense of Control
  3. 有效的人際溝通,從自我揭露與他人回饋開始
Editorial Team
Editorial Team
A group of creatures dedicated to cross-disciplinary thinking.
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