Refund Policy

Refund Policy

If you change your mind after shopping in SPARKFUL, you may request a refund within 7 days after the transaction date. If your request does not comply with the following refund terms, you may still submit a request, and we will review it.

What products can I return for a refund?

Consumables/ Props

You may cancel the purchase of digital content within 7 days, including virtual currencies, theme styles, or other props consumed during games/apps. But this is possible only if you have not started using these consumables in the games/apps.

Subscription Services

If you are entitled to free trial when subscribing to the service, then the 14-day hesitation period will be calculated from the moment you start the free trial. You will not be charged any fees for cancelation within these 14 days.

SPARKFUL Subscription:

  • Free Trial: If it is your "first subscription", you will be offered a 14-day free trial. The subscription will automatically be charged after the trial period ends.
  • Unsubscribe: You can apply for a refund through the platform system (such as Apple App Store, Google Play Store) within the timeframe after the transaction. You can cancel your subscription plan at any time to stop charges for the next subscription period.
  • Change plan: If you change your subscription plan during the subscription period, the new subscription plan will take effect at the beginning of the next subscription cycle. The actual effective time is subject to the regulations of the platform system (such as Apple App Store, Google Play Store).

Fortune City / CFO Program:

  • Free Trial: If it is your "first subscription", you will be offered a 14-day free trial. The subscription will automatically be charged after the trial period ends.
  • Unsubscribe: You can apply for a refund through the platform system (such as Apple App Store, Google Play Store) within the timeframe after the transaction. You can cancel your subscription plan at any time to stop charges for the next subscription period.
  • Change plan: If you change your subscription plan during the subscription period, the new subscription plan will take effect at the beginning of the next subscription cycle. The actual effective time is subject to the regulations of the platform system (such as Apple App Store, Google Play Store).

Walkr / Super Pilot:

  • Free Trial: This product does not offer free trials.
  • Unsubscribe: You can apply for a refund through the platform system (such as Apple App Store, Google Play Store) within the timeframe after the transaction. You can cancel your subscription plan at any time to stop charges for the next subscription period.

How to request a refund

As Apple App Store and Google Play Store implement different subscription mechanisms, please refer to their refund methods listed below.

Apple App Store

  • Go to Apple problem reporting website within 7 days after your purchase and sign in with your Apple ID
  • Click Purchase History and find out the item that you want to request a refund for
  • Click the Report button on the right, enter the reason why you want a refund and click Submit
  • Receive a refund confirmation letter (It takes hours to review some refund requests)
  • Note: Refund requests for the second time and above will directly go to the manual review process. The application is likely to fail. We suggest you send your requests via e-mail and contact Apple Support.

Google Play Store

  • Go to Google Play Store within 48 hours after your purchase, and sign in to your Google account
  • Click Order History and find the order you want to return
  • Select the proper reason why you want a refund, and complete the form
  • Receive a refund confirmation letter
  • Note: Please use the In-app function to contact the SPARKFUL customer service specialist if it’s more than 48 hours since your purchase.