Book Morning! Help Center
SPARKFUL Subscription
How do I activate my SPARKFUL Subscription?
What happens if I cancel the SPARKFUL Subscription?
I want to know about the free trial.
Do I have to have an account to start a trial or subscription?
If I change devices during my subscription, will my subscription still work?
How can I change the plan for my subscription?
How do I cancel my subscription?
I accidentally started a trial or subscription. How do I get a refund?
Confirming my account backup status
Checking & copying my SPARKFUL ID
Changing my account name & avatar
Changing my login email or password
Change the social login attached to my account
Logging in on more than one device
Deleting my account & data
What options do I have for logging in or signing up on SPARKFUL?
I lost my account/ I logged into a wrong account
Why can't I log in to SPARKFUL?
My app crashed
Why didn't I receive the items I purchased?
I accidentally purchased items. How do I get a refund?
How can I avoid accidental purchases in the future?
What is the Story Hall?
How do I start reading a story?
How long are the stories?
Can I trial reading the stories?
If I don’t like this story after trial reading, how do I choose other stories?
What is a story card?
How do I gain new story cards?
What is a “Reveal Button”
What is “Re-Read”?
I missed my story this morning, what should I do?
I want to pause reading, how do I exit a story?
Can I read stories off-line?
Can I read stories using devices other than mobile phones?
Why can‘t I read the next scene in the story?
Can I wait until I receive all story cards to read in one go?
I keep receiving the message “Dr. Wakey is waiting for you!”, can I turn it off?
What is “shift with Dr. Wakey”?
Can I use “Book Morning!” as an alarm clock without purchasing the stories?
Can I trial read stories before I purchase?
What is the Library?
How do I choose the book that I’d like to read?
The unlocking progress in my story is reset
How to check my streak?
Wake up on time streak
Basic Settings
Set a Daily Start Time
Setting push notifications
Setting reading language
Setting story sound effect and background music
Is there a dark mode on “Book Morning!”?
My app on iPhone with iOS 18 or later is missing Chinese characters.
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