Plant Nanny
Plant Nanny
Water Tracker & Reminder

Deleting my account & data

Before deciding to delete your account or account data, we strongly recommend carefully reading the following information to prevent unintentional loss of data:

  • Please note that once you delete your account, it cannot be recovered.
  • You will no longer have access to SPARKFUL products and content.
  • All of your locally stored and backed-up SPARKFUL data and progress will be permanently deleted.
  • If you currently use the same SPARKFUL ID to play other SPARKFUL games such as Plant Nanny, Walkr, Fortune City, To-Do Adventure, or Book Morning!, deleting your SPARKFUL ID will also delete all the data from these apps.

If you wish to delete your account, you can navigate to your profile picture on the settings page > tap 'Edit Profile' > in the 'Profile' page, tap 'Delete' in the Danger Zone > start the deletion process. Please note that if you previously logged into SPARKFUL with a social account, you may not have set a password. You can tap 'Reset' in the password field on the 'Profile' page, and a password reset email will be sent to your inbox. You will need to pass the password verification before proceeding with the account deletion.

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