Fit with Fun Walking Game

What are all the icons on the main screen?

icons on the main screen

Special Promotions:

  • Notifications about special Walkr promotions will appear here!

Harvesting & Food:

  1. Quickly harvest production on your Level 7 planets. This icon will appear once you have at least one Level 7 planet. Once your Level 7 planet(s) have finished production, you can tap here to harvest all of them at once!
  2. This lets you know if a planet or DFR has finished production. You can tap here to quickly arrive at the planet or DFR for harvest. Once your Walkr Core has reached Level 10, you can long press here to quickly harvest all your planets and DFR production.
  3. This lets you know you have hungry planets and need to feed them. You can tap here to quickly arrive at the hungry planets to feed them. Once your Walkr Core has reached Level 10, you can long press here to feed your hungry planets at once!

For details on how to use the Crop Bot, check out this video.


  1. This shows your current mission (from the main menu’s upper left corner).
  2. Delivery mission: tap this to quickly arrive at the planet you need to deliver or pick up packages from. You will still need to wait for your spaceship to arrive at the planet to tap the package on it and complete the mission.
  3. Boost: Is it taking too long for your ship to arrive at other planets? You can long press here to convert some of your energy to a booster for your ship! Remember, this button still uses your ship’s energy as a primary fuel source! For more info on spaceship-specific booster functionalities, check out this post.

Screenshot & Share:

  • Tap here to take a “photo” of your favorite planets and share them with your friends!
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